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Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana


Connecting rural locations and improving the facilities to the rural localities is the main aim of Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana.  This game is introduced in the year 2000 by the central government and  funding the project majority of the part. Due to lack of communication facilities in terms of roads,  trade options,  marketing and also the additional improvements towards agricultural facilities and advancements.  Another key factor is to insurance sustainability and reducing the poverty.  The hundred percent funding for the scheme is purely by the central government.  The authorities of the scheme itself identifies the rural villages and the connectivity possibilities to the nearby roads.  Simultaneously selected villages and road connectivity will be done by the scheme monitoring officials without delay.

As well known any roads which are constructed under the scheme not assure death due to any natural calamities the roads will not damage. So the continuous monitoring on constructed and constructing road connectivity projects will continue by the pradhan mantri gram sadak yojana and can be maintained well by  taking 5 years of maintenance agreement from the constructing contractor. In the year of its inception the scheme is targeted to complete all local development and establishing a proper road connectivity to the  rural villages with hundred percent success rate by 2022 which is can be reached by 2019.



Early funding for the scheme is approximately more than 5000 crores and this funding is allocating from  50% of the cells collected the diesel consumption by india. Between 2015 to 2017 there is approximately 15000 crores to £28,000 budget allocated for the scheme and this is running very successfully in all the locality across the india.  The developed rural villages are connected with all the benefits and availing  the benefits like improvement of trading,  easy transportation system at an affordable costing comparatively lesser than previous and also increase in chances of agricultural business and farming.

Benefits of the scheme

This scheme is majorly beneficiary to the rural villages who are  does not have a proper road connectivity to the nearby marketplaces and other marketing sectors.  Under the scheme most of the. Rural villages are corrected and also the progress in connecting remaining rural villages is also in a good position.

To avail the scheme benefits and for road connectivity there is no specific approachment have to made by the particular rural villages or locality,   all this have to do is by providing the basic information like the possibilities of road connectivity and what are the necessary growth factors involved with road connectivity have to give a brief detailing to the particular pradhan mantri gram sadak yojana officials,  so that it will be easy to get the scheme benefits at the earliest.


The main objective of this  scheme is to connect all the rural villages  and villages which are located in jammu kashmir,  desert location and also travel locations where the population is between 500 to 1000. As it able to connect all the locations desert locations & tribal  locations which are  not covered even in any of the particular location. All this location connect with nearby locations and urban roads by  end of 2019.

The benefits of the scheme

The major benefits with pradhan mantri gram sadak yojana is,

  •  All the rural villages in india will get road connectivity
  •  Helps in providing the best communication system which will help in agricultural trading
  • It also helps for providing the best road system which will help the rural population to have a proper channel to connect with the nearby marketing and other facility areas
  • Travel locations and desert locations with the help of road connectivity can able to improve their regular activities
  •  The work and other progressive in the manner of financial and economic growth will improve


Properties of the scheme

Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana initiative by the central government in the year of 2000 is for the sake of enriching the livelihood and also the improved basic amenities of the  rural population. Establishing a proper road facility which will connect the rural villages which are having lesser than thousands population by prioritising their services and works which will improve.

Specifically when it comes to the  matter  of jammu and kashmir, desert locations and also tribal areas  needs to connect with all the locations in the region through the  scheme.  From the day one onwards thousands of the villages  are benifited by having a  proper facility.

  • The overall action towards road construction will start with  the plan initiative which is mandatory for the scheme further proceedings.
  •  Initially it starts with the complete details about the rural village and the nearby localities which are having sufficient road and communication facilities available.  Based on the information gathered and the feasibility for road construction will be analysed by experts.
  • Based on the overall survey and the information taken  the authorities of pradhan mantri gram sadak yojana will go for designing a master plan which aims to provide the complete detail in airport the road construction and the major roles which will connect to the road.  It also enables various additional advantages which includes with the road construction proposed.
  •  This overall information will hear to the rural gram panchayat to assess the additional benefits which day can get through the road construction.
  •  The road construction will include additional considerations like constructing passages and culverts to avoid road damage due to the floods and other natural calamities.
  • Robert master plan their it’s a proposed budget for the completing construction will also gives better authorities which will helps in  taking priya approvals for additional costing or else to proceed with it.
  •  There will be a time length along with work progress based on weekly,  this will ensure the assessment process for the progress in the road construction and for generating report as well .
  • The annual funding for the project is reaching at the maximum of 5 to 7000 crores which is a huge initiative taken by the central government authorities.
  • Under the scheme and shows the possibilities to get additional benefits which may take into consideration for extending  the scope of service.


Allocation of budgets and execution plan will take further like providing initial funding of 20% which will helps to start the work immediately and letter on based on the road length and weight remaining 80% of the funds will release on periodic base. Based on the work progress and improvement in road completion the fund allocation will take place.  In some cases if any road sharing with the other country borders or other country villages then the road extension close at a certain point where the endpoint of the country is.  Which means there is no additional costing will be by the central government for establishing roads and the connectivity the village which is having the equivalent portion of load sharing with other countries like,  pakistan myanmar,  putin, etc.


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